12 Top Marketing Trends To Keep An Eye On In 2022

Top Marketing Trends

You’ve probably noticed a shift in the marketing landscape over the past few years. And if you haven’t, you will soon enough. Marketing trends have been changing at an unprecedented rate and it has become much more difficult for brands to keep up with everything that is going on. To stay relevant, marketers need to be not only aware of what is happening now but also anticipate what might happen in 2022. With that being said, we thought it would be fun to take a look ahead and come up with 12 top trends in marketing that are likely going to shape our industry for the next 5 years or so.

Marketing Trends 2022

12 Marketing Trends for 2022

1. The Rise Of The Micro-Influencer

For a long time, content marketing has been king. But as we move into the future, it is becoming clear that influencer marketing is taking its place. Why? Because people trust other people more than they trust brands. And when it comes to making purchase decisions, people are more likely to listen to someone they know on a personal level. What this means for marketers is that it will be important to develop an influencer marketing strategy and focus more on building relationships with micro-influencers rather than creating content.

2. Social Media Will Continue To Dominate

Social media currently accounts for 27% of all consumer time spent online. In other words, if you’re not doing Facebook ads or Twitter campaigns at the moment, you need to start right away. One thing is for sure: Paid social media is going to continue taking up a huge part of any company’s marketing budgets in the years ahead!

3. Virtual Reality Will Start To Take Off

Although virtual reality has been around for a few years now, it has yet to take off. But that is expected to change in the years ahead. In fact, by 2022, Gartner predicts that one-third of all Global 1000 organizations will be using VR! So if you’re not currently using VR as a part of your marketing mix, now would be the time to start.

4. Video Will Continue To Take Over

We’ve been saying it for years and we will continue to say it: Video is here to stay. And in 2022, it will still be one of the most effective forms of content when it comes to your brand. In fact, according to a recent study, 77% of B2B marketers say they plan on increasing their use of video in the next 12 months. There’s no question about it: Video will remain an essential part of any smart marketer’s campaign in 2022 and beyond!

5. Native Advertising Is Still Very Popular Among Marketers

If we were to ask you which online advertising format your company is currently prioritizing, what would you say? If we had to guess, we would say that native ads are probably near the top of your list. And for good reason. According to HubSpot, companies using native ad strategies see 500% more engagement than those who don’t! Because content marketing has become much more competitive, brands need to focus on strategies like native ads to stay ahead of the curve.

6. Email Will Continue To Be A Powerful Marketing Tool For The Foreseeable Future

Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways for companies to reach their target audience and it will continue to be that way in 2022. According to a recent study, email has a 41% average conversion rate which makes it extremely popular among marketers around the world. If you’re not currently using email campaigns in your marketing mix, now would be the time to start… With so many people using mobile devices these days, an email list will become more important than ever before when it comes to reaching current and potential customers!

7. Content Syndication Will Become More Popular

As we move further into the future, it is becoming increasingly important for brands to start syndicating their content. What does that mean? It means that you need to start sharing your content on other websites and social media platforms to reach a larger audience. Not only will this help you get more traffic to your website, but it will also help you build relationships with other bloggers and social media influencers.

8. Artificial Intelligence Will Play A Big Role In Marketing Strategies

In 2022, artificial intelligence will still be in its infancy. But that doesn’t mean that marketers won’t be using it to help them create more effective campaigns. In fact, according to Gartner, by 2020, 85% of customer interactions will be managed without human interaction! That’s why brands need to start preparing themselves now and begin learning how to use AI to improve their marketing strategies.

9. Chatbots Will Become A Crucial Part Of Marketing Strategies

Chatbots are another form of artificial intelligence that marketers will be using more frequently in the years ahead. Why? Because they are effective! In fact, according to a study by Juniper Research, chatbot usage is expected to increase by 300% in 2022. So if you’re not currently using chatbots as a part of your marketing mix, now would be the time to start!

10. Personalization Will Become More Important Than Ever

As customers become savvier and savvier, they will expect brands to start tailoring their content and experiences specific to them. In other words, personalization will become a key factor in marketing success. That’s why companies need to start focusing on ways to personalize their content, email campaigns, and website experiences.

11. Marketing Automation Will Become A Necessity

It’s no secret that managing a personal blog or business can be hectic and time-consuming at times. Luckily for marketers, there are tools like Marketing Automation that will help them save time and increase their productivity! In fact according to HubSpot, 86% of companies who use marketing automation state it has helped them boost their lead generation results. If you’re not currently using marketing automation as a part of your strategy, now would be the time to start…

12. CMOs Will Need To Focus More On Growth Hacking Techniques Than Ever Before

According to LinkedIn, the role of the CMO is changing. And in the years ahead, it will be more important for them to focus on growth hacking techniques than ever before. What does that mean? It means that they need to start looking for new and innovative ways to grow their businesses. So if you’re not currently using growth hacking techniques as a part of your marketing strategy, now would be the time to start!

Conclusion – Top Marketing Trends

In 2022, marketing trends are expected to change significantly. As you can see from the 12 examples we’ve provided in this article, marketers will need to start using artificial intelligence and chatbots more frequently. They will also have to focus on personalized content that is tailored specifically for their customers’ needs. This means that companies looking for success in the future should consider implementing these strategies sooner rather than later!

Ajay is a seasoned digital marketing professional with a decade of experience in SEO, Facebook Ads, PPC, and CRO. He is passionate about implementing innovative strategies that drive results.

His commitment to continuous learning and client success makes him a valuable asset to any marketing initiative. Outside of work, you'll find him spending time with his family.

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