What is Full Funnel Marketing?

Full Funnel Marketing

Full-funnel marketing is a path that a consumer goes from the moment they attract their attention to your offer to the moment they buy. In professional interpretations, this is a marketing strategy that describes the passage of the audience through all stages of the purchase. The ability to properly build a sales funnel, implement it in CRM. And analyzing the effectiveness of interaction with a client is the key to multiple increases in profits. 

Often, managers perceive the full funnel as a reporting element. They forget that this is a powerful tool for increasing profits. Of course, provided that the concept is built correctly, taking into account the individual characteristics of the company. Do you want to increase your business profit more in a month?

Let’s talk about the essence of the marketing model and the steps to building an effective full funnel.

Full funnel marketing- what is it and how to build it?

If you run your business through online channels, then it is very important for your business. Here, we will describe the full-funnel marketing as well as its importance and explain the steps for you to implement it. You want users to take some action when they enter your site. This action could be filling out a form, subscribing to a newsletter, or purchasing a product. 

The full-funnel marketing strategy that involves building a customer journey from the moment they meet a brand to regular purchases using automation tools. The beauty of a full sales funnel is that you only need to develop it once and only occasionally feed it with an advertising budget and lead magnets.

Importance of full-funnel marketing

Knowing the possible steps of your potential customers will take you forward. You can make your stages of the funnel and preparations in a way that will guide them towards transformation. The full-funnel provides you with all this information in an easy to understand, visual form.

Let’s say you have an e-commerce store. The number of daily visitors to your site is quite high, but you cannot achieve the same success in your sales figures. You are creating the full funnel chart to find out the cause of this problem.

Thanks to this scheme, it is understood how much of the visitors are lost at which step. For example, between the product details and the basket, most of the customers leave your site before completing their transactions. The reason for this may be the high shipping cost or the long delivery time. As in the example, when you apply improvements and marketing campaigns, you will learn more about your visitor’s organic traffic and increase your sales rates.

The beauty of full-funnel marketing

Do you know what our opinion is about the beauty of the full funnel? Simple: it’s a system that allows you to keep track of the customer journey from start to finish. From having no idea who he is to make him a loyal customer for life, with every step in the middle of this journey. The strength of this wonderful marketing tactic is that it provides a graphical representation of a path that is difficult for individuals and companies to visualize.

How to build successful full-funnel marketing?

Building successful full-funnel marketing begins with a thorough and thorough investigation of your potential customers. During this research, you should learn about how to communicate with your customers and how to introduce your product or service to them. Then determine the phases that your target audience should go through and how to communicate with them in each of those phases. You need advertising strategies and to think carefully about what you want to say in each phase and determine in which part of the customer path this information can be useful. Finally, it is important to determine the milestone between digital marketing and full-funnel marketing: When does an idea become a goal.

Stages for successful full-funnel marketing

  1. Awareness or Attention stage

This phase is considered a critical phase since what we want is to publicize our product or service and attract the attention of our potential customers. This phase of full-funnel marketing is similar to the Attraction phase of the AIDA model, in the offline marketing strategy. This stage aims to have a presence in spaces outside of our website to achieve the greatest amount of exposure and visibility; these spaces can be: other web pages, online marketing, social media, digital marketing, search engines optimization such as Google, mobile apps, and any other place where we can position our brand.

  1. Interest or Research stage

This phase aims to convert web visitors into contacts. A user has passed the conversion stage when they give us their contact information through a form. At this time, the user is no longer an unknown visitor and we begin to know more about it: name, surname, email, location, interests, etc.

  1. Decision or stage of nurturing sales opportunities

This phase will determine the passage of the contacts to Leads. This phase is similar to the Desire phase of the model, in the offline marketing strategy. It is the phase of the purchase decision. In this, users determine if the company meets expectations.

The nurturing stage never ends, not even when the user decides to contact the sales department or when making a purchase. The correct thing is to maintain a constant relationship with the user even after they have made the purchase.

  1. Action or Sales stage

This phase will determine if the previous ones have been done correctly. The amount of sales is what determines the success of the entire funnelng>. This stage will determine if the lead buys our products or services and in this way we achieve the conversion to a customer.

  1. Promote or Recommendation

This stage will determine that existing customers become fans and recommend our products or services. The best ambassadors of our company will always be our clients if their level of satisfaction is high.

Final Words

The marketing full funnel is a process divided into different phases that the marketing team of a company carries out. These ranges from the moment marketing efforts are launched until a sales or business opportunity is generated.

In short, full-funnel marketing, that allows the classification, qualification, and preparation of each user about the purchase of a product or service. In this way, costs and efforts are saved and the work of the sales team is facilitated. Which can be informed of the potential clients with more possibilities of becoming real clients?


What is full-funnel attribution?

The full-funnel attribution, buying in the path of your visitors to discover your most effective marketing channels for investment Behaviors of the process of in-depth analysis by different methods.

Do marketing funnels work?

Yes, it works, because if you have a marketing funnel defined for your company, you will be able to see in which phase of the purchasing process you are losing your potential customers. This way you can analyze the weak points within the entire process to optimize them and thus be able to get more conversions (sales, leads,).

What are the stages of the marketing funnel?

There are 5 stages of the marketing funnel that you need to know!

  1. Awareness
  2. Consideration
  3. Conversion
  4. Loyalty
  5. Defenders of your brand

Ajay is a seasoned digital marketing professional with a decade of experience in SEO, Facebook Ads, PPC, and CRO. He is passionate about implementing innovative strategies that drive results.

His commitment to continuous learning and client success makes him a valuable asset to any marketing initiative. Outside of work, you'll find him spending time with his family.

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