How B2B Marketing Funnel works?

B2B Marketing Funnel

Today, we’ll discuss the B2B Marketing Funnel and describe the success stories of the wonderful B2B journey that the potential customer takes to reach you.

This funnel look allows you to trace the customer journey from cold contact to conversion.

With careful analysis, it allows you to understand the aspects of you’re marketing to improve in the different stages of customer conversion, evaluates how to increase sales, loyalty, and advocacy of your brand.

What is a B2B marketing funnel?

We are all familiar with the phrase always right with the customer. This slogan may have been used by a simple shopkeeper a hundred years ago, but today it has become the core of businesses and has become much more widely used.

This sentence simply tells us that if you have spent a lot of time and money building a website or starting a business but have not gotten good results, it is not the fault of the customers but it is you who must change.

In other words, you need to thoroughly examine the entire path that customers take to buy from you to find out exactly where customers refuse to accept your offers. Then, you have to offer them an alternative solution to solve this problem.

The B2B Marketing Funnel will provide you with all the tools and information you need to increase your B2B sales funnel. Join us as we explore this powerful process and realize the importance of running a good marketing funnel.

A marketing funnel represents all the steps a visitor must go through to purchase a product or service. There are basic steps that customers go through before, when and after purchasing a product or service.

Benefits of B2B Marketing Funnel

Now that you have an overview of the marketing funnel, you are probably wondering if you should use it in your business. To answer this question, you must first ask yourself:

Do I have goods and services that I would like my customers to buy?

If yes, then you should definitely use the marketing funnel for purchasing decisions!

As a business, your success and qualified leads depend not only on the quality of the goods or services you provide but also on how you deliver them. 

Based on the information you get a piece of content through the marketing funnel, you will be able to change the design of the site or solve other problems, cause customers to have a better user experience, run successfully a social media campaigns, and the best places to lead magnets and retargeting ad your business.

Find your job.

A marketing funnel represents all the steps a visitor must go through to purchase a product or service. There are basic steps that customers go through before, when and after purchasing a product or service.

The steps of the B2B marketing funnel

Business to Business Funnel

While the basics of the marketing funnel have remained unchanged for more than a century; But there is no global consensus on the number of steps and how to divide them.

However, here are the most common steps in the marketing funnel, with a brief description of each:


Awareness is the highest stage of the content marketing funnel. At this stage, customers will get to know your brand for the first time through market research and advertising campaigns.

This is where the lead generation process takes place and potential customer information will be used to direct them to other stages of the marketing funnel.

Be interested

Lead or the same audience that is interested in your product or service, after getting acquainted with your brand, enters the next stage of content, which we call interest.

At this stage of the funnel, the process of attracting the audience becomes the process of cultivating the audience, and brands begin to connect with all the audiences they have gathered in the previous stage.

Email marketing is one of the most common methods used at this stage and allows businesses to communicate directly with the audience through their brand-related B2B content marketing.


In the marketing agency funnel attention stage, leads reflect the live demos of a potential customer. At this point, businesses start their own automated marketing and encourage customers to take action through targeted emails or specific offers.

For example, they send targeted emails to customers that include a free trial of products and services, sales announcements, exclusive access to webinars, or participation in specialized forums and special discounts.

Decision making

When a potential customer is making a definite decision to improve your experience or service, he or she enters the “intent” stage or decision-making in the marketing funnel.

Let us explain this step with a good example. If you have a product in your shopping cart but you have not completed your purchase after a few days, you will probably be contacted by the relevant store and you will be asked to state the reason for not completing your purchase process.

The sales expert will then try to convince you to complete the purchase. In fact, at this stage, businesses want to show you why their offer and what they offer is the best option for their customer journey.

Proper marketing at this stage can increase the percentage of customers’ prospects and leads to buying.


The process of building a marketing team, which started from the second stage of the funnel stage of becoming interested, ends in this stage of the marketing funnel and leads to potential customers facing the final purchase process.

As the name implies, at this stage, customers are finalizing their purchase. For this reason, in the evaluation phase of the marketing funnel, there is a special focus on providing the best offer to the potential customer.

To top of funnel

The golden treasure at the bottom of the marketing funnel is known as the top of the funnel buying stage. It is at this point that the potential customer finally decides to buy your services or products.

This is the stage where sales teams take on the responsibility of managing transactions and eventually the potential customer becomes the actual buyer.

Strategies for each stage 

Funnel Marketing is a comprehensive digital marketing strategy; this means that each section of the funnel must function correctly for the customer retention “journey” to be successful.

There are various aspects that add more value to your marketing funnel template such as:

The whole funnel depends on this phase where the goal is to attract the attention of your audience. At this stage, you choose the fate of the entire B2B content Funnel.

Insert in your Marketing Funnel what other people think of your brand, they help the targeted audience and potential customer to create a trust.

Funnel Marketing simplifies the “B2B buyer’s journey” of potential customers and makes it easier to follow them.

It allows you to track each stage of your sale’s process and plan new content according to the results obtained

The biggest advantage of B2B Funnel Marketing is their measurability, that is, it shows you where potential customers are, and where they stopped so that you can help improve certain aspects of your online marketing.

B2B and B2C marketing funnels difference

B2C or business-to-consumer means direct sales from a business to a consumer, and B2B, or business-to-business is the process of selling between two businesses.

The main difference in the B2B and b2c marketing funnel will be seen in the people involved in the processes and the degree of communication between the business and the consumer.

In most cases, b2c marketing consumers are driven into the funnel alone, with almost no direct interaction with the business.

Customers’ success is achieved by targeting large customer groups or through automated tools, and few customers are in direct contact with the sales expert or representative of your company and business.


Only using the classic B2B marketing funnel is no longer the desirable path to more sales process and profit. If you want to pursue a modern marketing strategy, you have to rely on the funnel.

Gain the trust of your customers and create good customer loyalty. In the longer term, this is the best way to increase sales and profit.

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Ajay is a seasoned digital marketing professional with a decade of experience in SEO, Facebook Ads, PPC, and CRO. He is passionate about implementing innovative strategies that drive results.

His commitment to continuous learning and client success makes him a valuable asset to any marketing initiative. Outside of work, you'll find him spending time with his family.

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